The year 2013 has seen a greater adoption of advanced technology to meet the ever changing and demanding needs of the enterprises while increasing productivity and creating newer experiences for the customers. As enterprises are looking to transform their businesses completely in the year ahead, the Advanced Enterprise Mobility Solutions will serve as a platform for various industries that unlock productivity and value for their clients. 

In this post, we will see how the mobile app developers are trying to accommodate the IT stuff for need of their customers with enterprise mobility solutions in place. Let’s have a look.

Multi-device Concept
The people are no more satisfied with just one or two devices. The basic IT kit of an ordinary person is tablet, laptop, desktop or other mobile devices so the main worry for the IT developers is to combine many items into one without actually losing the functionality of each single device. 

Go for Mobile Application Management
With Mobile Application Management (MAM) widely used now-a-days, the approach broadens the possible solutions in the mobile world with greater capabilities and features.

The Forecast is Bright for Cloud
The mobile application developers pay great attention to how data is being used on the device. It goes about various encrypted wrappers, app containers etc. still the data is not fully secured all the time. This is the reason why the cloud based enterprise solutions are getting more popular along with virtualization.

Greater Concern for Data Security
The data security is the most important feature of any enterprise. The systems with high security constantly experience the great lack of mobility; still enterprises can’t go without this feature they opt to choose an IT partner with the highest mobility in the IT sector. The areas of main interest will be application management, encryption within its end-to-end option and device management. 

Smarter Networks
According to the Cisco Visual Networking Index, the overall IP traffic will grow at a compound annual growth rate of 29% till 2016. The improvements in network reliability and resiliency coupled with intelligent end points will serve as foundation for connecting smarter machines and smarter people.

Increased Mobile Web Development
The population of workers is going to rise up to 1.3 billion by the end of the year 2014. This is the reason why 40% of the enterprise applications will be in a form of mobile apps. The mobile application development will be significantly fueled by the urge to satisfy the rather specific requirements of the enterprises in a short time.

Having a look at the above trends, you can get an insight and basic understanding of how does everything work now-a-days in the mobility world. So, what are you waiting for? Contact us today for your advanced enterprise mobility needs and solutions.

As the buzz, the enterprise mobility continues to grow and new emerging platforms continue to emerge delivering various enterprise mobility solutions to boost employee productivity and to gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace. With more and more powerful mobile devices emerging every single day, there is no doubt that enterprises wants to leverage mobility for productivity, convenience and flexibility.

The mobility has deeply pervaded the India market and the mobile connectivity has effected a change in traditional markets, consumer perspective and business models. The mobility has triggered a revolution impacting all the major industry verticals such as retail, finance, advertising, manufacturing, IT, education, healthcare, engineering and other industry verticals. 

The market research indicates that India will have around 130 million smart phone equipped workers by the end of 2015. The SMB captures nearly 65% of the overall market and this could rise to 70% by the end of 2015.

The BYOD Enterprise Mobility Trend
The mobility has created new opportunities and competitive gains for SMBs helping them to accrue significant business benefits. The Enterprise Mobility Services India is helping the leading organizations to completely leverage the mobility solutions across various key functions such as:

- Empowering the field sales team with mobile enabled CRM access, efficient workflow, product demonstration on mobile, high responsiveness, sales force automation, training modules via audio, video and text
- Empowering field technician by enabling real time connectivity with the central database, remote check-in and data verification, shorter approval cycles and more
- Supporting supply chain management with real time inventory updates for order preparation, communication with suppliers etc.
- Empowering marketing teams by leveraging mobile analytics to enrich the CRM database for finer audience targeting, mobile advertising, instant messaging etc. for effective marketing
- Enhancing employee productivity by streamlining workflows, mobile trainings, performance and appraisal dashboards and more
- Adding value to customers through effective mobile engagement, mobile apps that helps customers get their tasks done quickly and easily, sending location based offers and more
- Empowering decision makers by providing instant access to business analytics that helps them to make informed decisions, take full advantage of the available market opportunities and ensure business agility and growth.

The BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) trend is emerging and catching on in India and compelling organizations or enterprises to embrace mobility at the earliest. With the right mobile applications in place with great features and user experience, enterprise mobility is set to transform business in India.
What’s your stand on this? Leave your replies in the comment box below.

In the today’s hi-tech world, mobility should simplify your work - not complicate it. Mobility is a necessity for today’s rapidly changing market needs and business opportunities as it gives the mobile users an immediate access to vital resources. For many organizations and enterprises deploying a secure remote access and mobile services solution can be time consuming then how will enterprises and organizations will manage and secure access from all the remote PC’s, laptops and mobile devices?

Enterprise Mobility as a Service (EMaaS) will address all the concerns by providing a solution that enables you to manage and secure employee’s access to business services securely and cost effectively. EMaaS as a service platform will enable enterprises and organizations to do business better by getting what they need, when they need and where they need the access to various data.

The EMaaS has grown dramatically over the next 4-5 years and have become 20-25% of the overall market for enterprise directed applications and services.

Enterprise Mobility-as-a-Service takes much of the burden off the backs of IT and corporate infrastructure. Let’s see how?
Why Enterprise Mobility as a Service?
- EMaaS is a single network based management platform for laptops, desktops, PC’s and mobile devices and provides access around the globe via a variety of access types.
- EMaaS can be implemented rapidly to allow a quick response to changes in business or market requirements.
- EMaaS scales easily thus allowing growth and contraction as necessary and controls costs through access prioritization.
- EMaaS provides great flexibility in device types, applications, management and even manages and controls devices off the network.
- EMaaS shares resources across multiple organizations and increases efficiency and lowers the total cost of ownership especially for smaller organizations.
- EMaaS enables the mobile functionality to be extended to the strategic business partners, employees and affiliates easily.
- EMaaS reduces the support and training needs of an organization and provides a smooth transition.

The enterprise mobility as a service may not be a right fit for organizations that require complete control of all the mobile devices and data. Nevertheless, EMaaS is designed keeping in mind the end user who will have access to corporate network and applications regardless of the location. As EMaaS is delivered via cloud, one can effectively manage and secure employees remote access by automatically installing software updates, IT policies and patches across the enterprise workforce.

EMaaS also offers a variety of features that help control cost, reduce complexity and apply corporate policies to the users corporate and employee owned devices.

So, what’s your stand on EMaaS as a service platform? Do you think it will manage and secure the employee’s access to business information and services securely and effectively? Leave your views on the comments section below.
The current economic pressure and the growth from the emerging economies is forcing industry verticals such as retail, manufacturing, financial services, pharmaceuticals, logistics etc. to have a disconnected field force. The increasing use of smart phones, tablets and other mobile devices have embraced the mobile technology and allows for faster, cost-effective and growing ecosystem which often overwhelms decision makers in taking the right decision to leverage this technology to drive their business results and productivity.

The rapid growth of mobile devices and wireless networks have unleash a huge opportunity for enterprises to implement enterprise mobility that reduce costs, increases productivity, enables smooth business transactions and transforms business processes. As per Forrester Research Inclusive report, workforce is a primary driver for enterprise mobility and it is estimated that the global information workforce which is accessible anywhere and anytime is likely to triple by 2016 and will bring multiple positive implications for enterprise such as:

- Seamless communication for rapid decision making, information access to every employee anytime, anywhere, authorization process and increased effective and efficient management of the business operations

- Low cost for developing robust applications, improved and enhanced customer, partner service management by creating ongoing support and visibility

- A centralized, hosted, monitored and managed closed network environment to increase more business productivity through cloud computing or SaaS

- Enable enterprise applications to be transformed from process-centric to business centric through a network centric access

- Enable enterprise IT mobility to promote innovation and empower end-user application creation, access and management in real time

- Improved transparency between consumer and business through shared ideas and collaboration which will in turn harness more revenue opportunities

The Enterprise Mobility in India offers a unique proposition for mobility initiatives and helps companies to achieve their business objectives and further to streamline their business processes. India being the second largest mobile nation globally, the adoption of enterprise mobility has already attained a high velocity and is expected to further increase in the near future.

Going with the current trends in the market, the smart phone equipped workforce population will increase tremendously in the next couple of years on a global scale. Then how does enterprise mobility will increase the business productivity and revenue? It will do so by:
- Reducing travelling and training cost
- Supporting business continuity and increasing business agility
- Constantly accessible information for informed decision making
- Improving quality of service
- Increasing sales and customer retention

The Enterprise Mobility has been around for over a decade but has only recently seen a tremendous growth due to real time connectivity, telecom infrastructure as well as easy availability of smart phones, tablets and other handheld devices at cheaper rates bringing in a more transparent, efficient and agile system for today’s businesses on a global platform.

The enterprise mobility landscape in India is huge and evolving rapidly. Not only consumers, but even the enterprises or organizations are showing their concern and inclinations to embrace the mobility, to enhance the productivity of the employees and the end user experience.

With the introduction of more ‘n’ more powerful and feature-rich mobile devices in the market, it is no more surprising that every Indian employee or worker will be excited to leverage from this mobility trend for improved productivity, flexibility and convenience.

According to the recent reports from Ernst & Young and India’s CIO Klub, chief information offices in India will consider enterprise mobility as a “Key Facet” in order to push their business in the positive direction. The proliferation of Smartphones and touchscreen devices, current 2G network coverage within India, online 3G expansion, and the recent launch of 4G services are the key drivers for the mobility. Moreover, Forrester’s research highlights following things:

• Mobility ranks among the top enterprise priorities during the last year, and that enterprises are all set to improve their financial investments in the mobile devices, applications, middleware and services.

• Today, enterprises are leveraging from the mobility in order to connect more effectively with the business stakeholders and internally with the customers.

• Enterprises are planning to move ahead from the conventional mobility applications like email, calendar, contacts, IM and other tasks to the more powerful and advanced mobility-enabled enterprise applications like ERP, CRM, SCM and so on.

The well known research firm Gartner also notes that the mobile device market is going to be strong throughout the year 2013.

Enterprise Mobility Trends in India….
Market research shows that India will have approximately 130 billion Smartphones-ready workers or employees within different enterprises by the end of 2015. Right now, small and mid-sized businesses are covering almost 65% of an entire market, which is expected to raise up to 70% by the end of 2015. Enterprise mobility has opened the new doors of opportunities and competitive gain for the small as we as mid-sized businesses or organizations within India.

- Enterprise solutions like ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), CRM (Customer Relationship Management) and more are expected to boost up the growth of the mobility market in India.

- From the conventional dashboard applications to a complete back-end integration – the application maturity has increased a lot.

What about “Network & Connectivity in India”???
While mobility brings a lot of benefits, such as increased workforce productivity, cost savings and so on, the network and connectivity in India are quite a clumsy issue for the enterprises embracing the mobility. However, Cisco has revealed that Indian mobile data traffic is expected to grow 4x faster than Indian fixed IP traffic by the year 2015. It has further revealed that almost 28% of India’s total IP traffic would be from mobile devices in the year 2015.

Connectivity and speed are the major concerns for the enterprises adopting mobility, and it is expected that mobile connection speed will reach to 1 Mbps in the next 2 years.

From all the stats and predictions, it is clear that there is a huge opportunity exist for Indian tech vendors in the enterprise mobility space, provided that they can get rid of some of the challenges associated with the enterprise mobility adoption…!
More ‘n’ more enterprises are diving into the enterprise mobility to leverage from the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD). Irrespective of the shape and size, each and every organization or enterprise is eager to join the BYOD bandwagon, but is it really safe to go for advanced enterprise mobility solutions? Well, it is not as easy as you think to dive successfully into the sea of enterprise mobility.

Getting into mobility brings a lot of benefits for your enterprise, but it is a bumpy ride and chances are higher that you may get off the track. Starting from the employee lawsuit to the ever rising cost of the compliance failure, the path of BYOD is full of hurdles that will fall you off during the way of achieving desired success for your mobility venture. So, what are the possible scenarios for BYOD disaster?
Here’re the possible BYOD disasters:

- If you fail to check, employees can easily leverage from your BYOD venture. The employees can easily opt for maximum data plans, expense their entire family plans and a lot more things. The cost behind BYOD program could be outrageous for many organizations. So, it becomes crucial for the enterprises to beware about the sneaky employees ripping off the employer.

- Of course, BYOD concept is favorable for the employees as it enables them to bring their own personal mobile devices within the enterprise premises, but it brings the possibility that the employees may break the law. According to the recent survey from TEKserve, there are almost of 35% of the IT leaders and 25% of the IT professionals are not so sure about the compliance of their BYOD policy with data and privacy protection acts, HIPAA, Dodd-Frank or any other government-mandated rules and regulations.

- Productivity could be a major problem. There is no doubt that BYOD guarantees to satisfy the employees and make them more productive as it enables employees to work anytime, anywhere. However, some of the organizations have noticed that many of the employees uses their personal devices for surfing Facebook or playing games. This at the end is not helping organizations leverage from the improved productivity.

- The enterprise mobility apps are supposed to help organizations save more money as the organizations will not have to pay for company-issued BlackBerry devices. However, the cost has been derailed by the hidden costs, and one of the biggest offenders is the processing of BYOD expense reports. Many of the organizations have often found that mobile BYOD costs are exceeding the budget. Sometimes they’re more than a company-owned mobile device approach.

- It is possible that some bad employees may have a habit of taking confidential information before fleeing to a competitor. It becomes very easy for such employees to get such information on their mobile device and text it in the messages, which is almost impossible for the organizations to track later on. It has been observed that some employees text messaging their friends to convey private and confidential information of the company.

The list of BYOD disasters doesn't end here! There are a lot of things that can ruin your enterprise mobility venture. Have faced any of these issues within your organization? Share your views in the comments…!

“You’ve to spend money to make money” – In today’s fiercely competitive market, this line may not go well, but this old saying goes perfectly for the enterprise mobility. However, still there are many businesses or enterprises who are making excuses when it comes to invest in the enterprise mobility service or integration of mobility solutions within their organization. 

The main problem is legacy. The evolution of mobile devices has seen as a cost of doing business, not as a mean of transforming the way organizations carrying their business. At the end, mobile phones were simply allowing employees within an organization to make calls not more than that. But with the advancement in the mobile technology, enterprise mobility has become the new IT for the enterprises by allowing employees to access all their work and personal data anytime, anywhere and from any device at their fingertips. Moreover, Gartner has identified mobility as one of the major emerging trends that will place enterprises for competitive advantage.

While the need of reducing investment in non-performing sector, there are other organizations who are focusing more on increasing your mobility spend. Moreover, IDC (International Data Corporation) predicted that almost 37% of the world’s labor force or approximately 1.3 billion employees will identify as “Mobile Workers” by 2015. Such an immense growth of the mobility has opened new doors of opportunity for the businesses to increase their productivity. But how enterprises can drive more growth and more revenue by increasing their investment on enterprise mobility? Here’re a few simple ways.

Mobilize work applications to improve workflow and overall productivity. Investing more time and money in the off-the-shelf apps will help you fill the gap between IT resources within your organization in order to help you create your own enterprise apps. You should always think larger than life. Therefore, rather than using conventional mobile email, try to mobilize the CRM, field force and travel and expense management applications. It will empower the employees to work remotely at their convenience.

The second thing you have to do is to incorporate tools beyond the concept of Smartphone. Of course, Smartphones are helping a lot improving the productivity. Don’t believe? According to the Mobile Workforce Report study, the average mobile-enabled employee input additional eight hours per week. However, there is still a room for improvement. Moreover, increasing mobility with tools like tablets, air cards and MiFi you can easily eliminate the productivity issues.

You should try to mobilize the workforce. Of course, it is beneficial to provide your sales reps and marketing team with Smartphones. But what about rest of the functions within an organization? It is must that enterprises should push the mobility within the organization in order help employees interact and transact with their business in real time while creating more efficiency and remove unwanted delays in communication.

It definitely makes sense to invest more in the enterprise mobility in order to improve the productivity and revenue of your organization. But at the what matters the most is that how much you’re investing in in mobility…!
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Accely is a global technology and innovation company that stands for progress and providing customers flexible, rapidly deployed, end-to-end ERP, Mobility Solutions, Ecommerce, and Business Analytics solutions. Our difference can be found in the depth of technical, project execution and problem-solving skills that enable us to provide high-value solutions and rapid return on investment. Specializing in fixed-price, fast-staff responses, and combining deep technological expertise with hands-on experience, Accely is rightly poised to deliver optimal solutions to customers.
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